Your Piece of Mind

The European Union began enforcing the GDPR on May 25, 2018 in an effort to strengthen the security and protection of personal data of EU residents.

In keeping with our ongoing commitment to privacy and security, PCOS Support Ltd updated its practices to be GDPR compliant before the May 25, 2018, enforcement date.

We continue to support and dedicate resources to the following key areas:

  • Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
  • Purpose limitation
  • Data minimization
  • Accuracy
  • Storage limitation
  • Integrity and confidentiality (security)
  • Accountability

Please visit our customer terms of service for more details about how PCOS Support Ltd supports the GDPR for customer data that we manage.

Please opt in to our Data Processing Addendum and Standard Contractual Clauses if you would like a written agreement with PCOS Support Ltd about how we process any data about your customers that is collected by PCOS Support Ltd.

Does it affect me?

Yes, most likely. If you hold or process the data of any person in the EU, the GDPR will probably apply to you, whether you’re based in the EU or not.

We recommend reading the full text of the GDPR to better understand these rights and seeking independent legal advice regarding your obligations under the GDPR. You can also check out publications by data privacy associations such as the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) for the latest news.

What are steps you can take to help support GDPR in your business?

We’ll keep sharing information on our progress, and we’ll also help our customers and prospective customers be compliant. Some steps you can take are:

  • Get familiar with the GDPR requirements and how they affect your company.
  • Map out everywhere you process data and carry out a gap analysis.
  • Consider how you can leverage PCOS Support Ltd to help with your GDPR compliance.
  • Look at your product roadmap, think about privacy when you’re planning.
  • Chat to your lawyer about what your company needs to do.
  • Keep an eye on the developing guidelines from the GDPR Article 29 Working Party.

Opt in to the Data Processing Addendum (DPA) and Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs)

Strong data protection commitments are a key part of GDPR’s requirements. Our updated data processing addendum (DPA) shares our privacy commitments and sets out the terms for PCOS Support Ltd and our customers to meet GDPR requirements.